Thursday, 11 April 2019

How to Write a Thrilling Mystery

When aspiring to write a thrilling mystery, you may want to keep these tips and tricks in mind:

Murder! Murder! Murder! A heist can certainly make for a good read, but it’s always more exciting when lives are on the line! Start with a murder and take it from there, it’ll certainly make for a thrilling ride.

One is fun, but there’s always room for more! Why stop at just one murder? The kills can keep coming until the case is solved, and the extra pressure on your detective certainly raises the stakes and makes for a compelling read.

Every good murder needs a good motive. It can’t all be senseless killing, although there could certainly be a bit of that too. An intriguing motive for the murder makes for a compelling read, and certainly adds some thrill to the tale.

Creativity makes for a good killer. Anyone can fire a gun, a poison pill is so passé, and running someone over with a car is just plain clumsy. The best villains are the ones who take some time to do some plotting and scheming before executing the perfect execution.

Nobody’s perfect, and that applies to your detective. Making your detective a damaged human being who makes mistakes is bound to make for some more exciting action than a perfect hero who swoops in and saves the day.

Looking for some serious thrills? Visit our online library at for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more, accessible anytime from your favorite devices.

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